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From my experience, if there’s one thing every kid’s birthday party must have, it’s a piñata. However, I’ve recently discovered that Pokémon theme supplies are extremely rare to come by. I was able to find a few Pikachu piñatas on line, but after shipping and handling the cost is well over $30. But wait… I stumbled on a website that gives direction on how to make your own Pikachu piñata and cheap too. Perfect!


  • Two paper shopping bags (remove handles, one slightly bigger than the other)
  • Stapler
  • 1 cup flour
  • 1/2 cup water
  • Newspaper  1″–1 1/2″ strips
  • Two rolls of yellow steamer

Use the large paper bag to shape Pikachu’s head and the smaller one for the ears, attach with staples and tape if needed.

Mix paste using flour and water (2:1 ratio), cover newspaper strips and start applying on piñata (make sure not to soak the newspaper as this will take longer to dry). Takes 1-2 days to dry. Repeat this step once more.

Once dry, wrap streamer three times around using the first roll (the tissue is quite thin and transparent) . With the second roll, cut slits, 1 inch apart, cover piñata starting from the bottom.

Use construction papers to add ears, and the rest of the face.

This was a time-consuming but fun project. The kids thought it was way cool that they could make their own piñata, and it is! I’m very pleased with the way it turned out. And get this, it only cost me $1.00 (streamers 2/$1.00 @ the Dollar store), I had everthing else!